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Total Questions: 40 Points per Question: 2.50 Questions Incorrect: 4 Total Points Incorrect: 10 Total Score: 90.00
SUBJECT #95 My Statements and the responses from subject #95. When I look at your photos, I see: 1. A creative and artistic individual. Correct, I have a very imaginative brain! 2. You beat to your own drum rather than follow the lead of others. Correct, I like to do things my way, regardless of what others think 3. You like to break the mold and try to new things. Correct, I am always open to try new things 4. You enjoy going out of your comfort zone for new experiences. Correct, experimenting makes life interesting 5. You have a true appreciation for the arts. Correct, I find the beauty of life everywhere I turn 6. You likely have been or are involved in artistic communities. Incorrect, I have never been involved, don’t have much spare time to spend, but I do love to be artistic in my own right. 7. Traditional to you likely equals “boring”. Correct, I get bored very easily with daily routines, I love to spice things up 8. You think out of the box. Correct, I have a very vivid imagination 9. People that color in the lines can drive you crazy! Correct, monotony=boring, expression is the best tool ive got 10. White walls would be nails on a chalk board for you. Correct, I love to experiment with color and new things, drab colors are a blank canvas needing to be touched up 11. A job that allows for freedom of expression is paramount for you! Correct, I love my job because it allows for such versatility and independence, with plenty of room to grow 12. You like to ebb and flow, rather than follow a schedule—whenever possible. Correct, I go with the flow doing whatever comes my way and makes me happy, very nonconforming 13. You have a good imagination. Correct, ive always been told how creative I was, especially in writing and expression 14. You are creative. Correct, I think we have already decided this one J 15. You are trusting of others overall—you want to believe in the good of humanity. Correct, I am a very trusting person, until someone crosses me, then its very hard to regain my trust. 16. You have an eye for aesthetic beauty. Correct, I find natural beauty in both human and nature absolutely amazing, most peaceful part of my day, stopping and smelling the roses! 17. “Original” would be a good word to describe you. Correct, I would describe myself as very original, no one is like me! 18. You learn best by “doing”. You are a hands-on learner. Correct, my job is all about hands on learning, books only somewhat prepare you, I have learned more on the streets doing than ever have in class. 19. Some people are emotional. Some are logical. You are sensory—relying on your perceptions most of all. Correct, I read peoples vibes and make decisions based on that, sometimes not logical/emotional, just my way of doing things. 20. You are neither a leader nor a follower. You like to just lead yourself on your own discovery! Correct. I do things my own way, usually attracting followers, but yes I am very driven and guide myself in the right direction 21. You need alone time to rejuvenate yourself (rather than people to rejuvenate you). Correct, I cannot get enough of my own time occasionally. I love to be alone to recollect my thoughts and re-center myself and soul 22. You can be shy and reserved at first, but once you feel comfortable, you can really blossom. Correct, I tend to hold back until I make sure the person is genuine, then I will let my guard down. 23. You likely have friends from a variety of social cliques. You are open in that respect more than most people. Correct, I have many different types of friends, I see the inner beauty and am attracted to people that are heading in the same direction as myself. I definitely respect the uniqueness of individuals, and do not look at outer appearance, but inner beauty. 24. You are willing to take risks. Correct, I love to live life on the edge, both in work and social life. 25. You are not a fearful person, generally speaking (fear doesn’t hold you back from experiences often and if it does, you persevere). Correct, I am very motivated and determined, and do not let the little things hold me back. I don’t really fear much, I know I can do anything I put my mind to. 26. You are not one to impose your views on people. Incorrect, I can sometimes force my ways of thinking onto people, possibly unwillingly 27. You likely consider yourself in artist in some form. Correct, I find myself to be unique, and have an artistic eye. 28. You are a passionate person. When you find something you believe in, you become passionate about it. Correct, I have been told many times that they admire my passion and perseverance. I do what it takes to be successful, medicine is my passion, it is the most fulfilling thing I have in life, besides my family. 29. You do not believe the world is black and white. To you, there are varying shades of gray. Correct, I believe each person has something special to offer, and the differences are what makes life so interesting 30. You are notably observant of others. Correct, one of my favorite sports is people watching. I find something very intriguing about the differences in peoples mannerisms, attitudes, appearance, overall lifestyle. Its very stimulating to my inquisitive brain. 31. You feel for the less fortunate than yourself and likely donate your time to help others when you can. Correct, I have a very big heart and am moved by the less fortunate that are willing to help themselves, I give people as much of me as I can when they need it. 32. Those who know you would likely say that you are notably compassionate and caring. Correct, I have my moments of irrationality, but am generally caring and compassionate to those important to me 33. “Gentle” would be a good word to describe you. Incorrect, I tend to find myself to be more clumsy not delicate or gentle. I don’t think many people would describe me as this. 34. You are a private person in that you keep true feelings hidden and reserved. Correct, I don’t spill all of my beans all the time, I am private and only share my feelings with those that are close to me 35. You are an optimist. Correct, I absolutely see the good in life and how great it can be, and do my best to always have a positive outlook on life, being negative is depressing, gets you nowhere. 36. You enjoy expressing your love for another by “showing them” rather than “telling them”. Correct, I love to teach and demonstrate things to people, I can talk it up but in showing someone the right way, you are able to eliminate more misunderstanding. 37. “Earthy” is a good word to describe you. Correct, I would describe myself as green, and doing whats good for this world, I do my part to be as eco friendly as possible. 38. You dislike conflict and discord. You work to avoid it at all costs. Incorrect, when I come across disagreements, I tend to speak my peace and be done with it, try not to drag it out any further than it has to. But I wouldn’t consider myself to avoid it totally, conflict is inevitable. 39. You dislike judgmental people. Correct, I am a very open minded person and see the good in people and try not to judge them based on unnecessary sterotypes. 40. In love, you need someone to give you “your space” to be unique in your own way. Correct, this one struck me as the most significant out of all of these. I love my own personal space, and in relationships I tend to find myself pushing away from people because they are too clingy. I like people to be independent and have their own lives, not me be their sole object of attention. I need my space to keep who I am, and not lose myself in the one I am involved with. Overall
I was very amazed at how accurate the statements were. It put a smile on
my face to even think that by looking at my expressions you can determine
qualities about me, and them be as spot on as they were! Glad I could
partake in this experiment, I really enjoyed the outcome! |