What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.50

Questions Incorrect:  2.0

Total Points Incorrect: 5

Total Score:  95.00



My Statements and the responses from subject #85.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

1.     ...is happy. Correct!

2.     You are an optimist. Correct, I try to be as much as possible

3.     You are the type of person take lemons (bad situations) and try to make them into lemonade. Correct

4.     You are laid back and flexible. Correct, except if people are jerking our plans around

5.     You enjoy making people laugh. Correct

6.     You don’t care about the small details. It’s the big picture that matters to you.  Correct

7.     You are exceptionally down-to-earth!! Correct-that’s one of the biggest things my friends say

8.     You are notably compassionate. Your friends would tell me you have a kind heart! Correct

9.     You prefer to be able to ebb and flow rather than adhere to a schedule. Correct-to a point

10.  You can be both introvert and an extrovert.  It depends on your circumstances.  With strangers, you survey the scene before speaking. With friends, you can be quite outgoing and social. Correct

11.  You aren’t one to be politically correct. It’s just NOT you. Correct-unless it’s a work situation where I know I can’t push the limit

12.  You say things like you see them, no fluff or B.S. Correct

13.  You hate when people judge others by their exterior. Correct

14.  You have a good sense of humor. Correct

15.  Dirty jokes don’t make you squirm. Incorrect- I’m not really good with dirty jokes

16.  You don’t embarrass easily. Correct

17.  You are not a person to hold grudges.  You forgive easily. Correct

18.  You enjoy times with friends and family, but you also equally value your alone time. Correct

19.  You can be a big procrastinator. Correct

20.  Domestic chores don’t rank high on your weekly priorities, and may get neglected from time-to-time. Correct

21.  When people need a shoulder to lean on, they often come to you for support. Correct

22.  You are a good listener.  It’s strength of yours. Correct

23.  You have a way of making people feel comfortable around you. Correct

24.  You have “good common sense”.  Those who know you well would tell me this. Correct-to a point, sometime I do get stuck!

25.  You are not one to dwell on the negatives. Correct-I allow myself the appropriate time to ‘get over it’ then I’m done!

26.  You are quite perceptive when it comes to people. Correct

27.  You have definite opinions about things, but you are not one to force your views upon other people. Correct

28.  Planning and organization are not your best attributes. Incorrect-I try very hard to keep my life organized, how long it stays that way is another thing!

29.  You are analytical. Correct

30.  You are a realist, first and foremost! Correct

31.  You are not one to put a high value on obtaining wealth or status. Correct

32.  You are not one to be good at bluffing or lying. Correct

33.  You’re too honest to be good at that, and likely wear your emotions on your sleeve. Correct

34.  You are a logical decision maker. Correct-though sometimes emotions slip in

35.  You are a people watcher.  You find it fascinating. Correct-one of my favorite past times!

36.  You do not take the world at face value..  You read between the lines. Correct

37.  You are one to be notably curious about things and seek to understand. Correct

38.  You are neither a follower nor a leader.  You are somewhere in the middle. Correct

39.  You likely have a soft spot for animals and pets. Correct-even dogs who bark too much too early!

40.  When you want to do something, your enthusiasm naturally motivates people to join in with you. Correct

Overall Response: I really enjoyed this project, I was surprised at how accurate you were, very insightful! It's amazing how much you can tell by someone's features!