What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.50

Questions Incorrect:  2.5

Total Points Incorrect: 6.25

Total Score:  93.75



My Statements and the responses from subject #84.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

1.      …knows who she is.  Correct

2.     You are self-confident as a general rule.  Correct for the most part, but everybody can get a little self-conscious sometimes.

3.     You are a detail-oriented person.  Correct, Is there any other way to be?

4.     You can be fussy and particular about things.  Correct

5.     You are neat and organized, generally speaking.  Correct, it drives my kids crazy sometimes

6.     You are a goal-oriented person.  Correct, very true

7.     You are a people watcher.  Correct

8.     You are not a shy person.  Correct, however I can be shy at times.

9.     You are neither an optimist nor a pessimist.  You are a realist.  Correct, but I can be optimistic sometimes.

10.   You are perceptive and intuitive—more so than the average person.  Incorrect, I don’t agree to more than the average person.  I would say I’m average.

11.   You are one to keep up on domestic chores. Your house is usually neat compared to most other people.  Correct All my friends and family are about like me, but according to my kids I am a pain about it.  If my house is messy when someone comes over I am very bothered by it.  Allthough it can get messy, I do clean it up pretty quickly, becuase i do like order.

12.   You enjoy jobs where the expectations are clearly delineated rather than loosely defined and allow for creativity.  That way you know you can meet or exceed expectations.  Correct, I’m not very creative

13.   You may be prone to hold a grudge if you feel you’ve been wronged.  Incorrect, I am very forgiving.

14.  You value first impressions and work to present a good one for yourself.  Correct, I care a lot of what people think

15.  You have definite personal boundaries that you expect people to respect.  Correct

16.  You are a dedicated and hard-working employee, and likely have received recognition because of it.  Correct, I have always done well at jobs & have gotten recognition for it.

17.  You are punctual for appointments and commitments. If you are running late, you are likely to call so others don’t worry about you.  Correct, I hate being late

18.  You can be stubborn, and hard-headed. When you are determined to do something, no one will stop you. Correct, once I set my mind to something there is not much anyone can say or do to persuade me.

19.  You exercise good self-control and discipline.  Correct, there are only a few things I’m not very disciplined with.

20.  When you do something, you are one to give it all you have, otherwise, why bother!  Correct, exactly how I feel

21.  You do not take the world at face value.  Correct

22.  You are analytical.  Correct

23.  You have a good ability to read people’s emotions.  Correct, I am usually pretty accurate.

24.  You have strong opinions on many things.  Correct

25.  You aren’t afraid to speak your mind.  Half-correct, I hate confrontation. I have to feel really strongly about something, or someone has to push me to the point where I lose my temper and am forced into it.  However, on some things I do speak my mind as long as I can see it won’t cause confrontation.

26.  You do not like people who are all about being politically correct.  It’s too phony.  Correct

27.  You don't trust people blindly.  You keep a watchful eye on them for a while before trusting them completely.  Correct, I have been hurt in the past so I am very cautious.

28.  When confronted by someone who is angry, you will stand your ground.  Correct, though I am usually a peace maker and hate confrontation, if confronted I will stand my ground.

29.  You strive to be the best person you can be and you work hard at it.  It’s a notable quality about you.  Correct, I have had many people comment on this.

30.  You consider yourself traditional.  Correct

31.  You prefer true and tried approaches in life.  Correct

32.  You are notably trustworthy.  If someone tells you a secret, you won’t tell it to anyone.  Correct

33.  You are decisive.  Correct

34.  You are a visionary in that you see yourself in the future where you want to be…  Correct

35.  You work hard to present a good first impression, but aren’t near as critical on others when you meet them as you are on yourself.  Correct, I’m hard on myself, a perfectionist really.

36.  You are not a rule-breaker in general.  You believe we have rules for a reason.  Correct, I feel guilty if I do.

37.  You prefer calculated risks.  You are not one to go sky diving.  Correct, sky diving is insane.

38.  Fear is not something that holds you back often.  You are the type to work through your fears with reason and logic.  Correct, I try to conquer my fears.

39.  You are not an emotional decision maker.  You rely on logic the majority of the time.  Correct, though I can get emotional, I will calm myself and always try and make logical decisions.

40.  You are emotionally even-keeled.  Correct. I do consider myself to be an emotional person, but I don’t let my emotions rule me.

Overall Response:  I thought it was really cool.  It’s amazing how much you got right just from looking at my pictures.  It was a fun way to earn extra credit.  Thank you!