What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  41

Points per Question: 2.44

Questions Incorrect: 2

Total Points Incorrect:  4.88

Total Score Accurate: 95.12


My Statements, and the responses from Subject #8.

When I look at your photos...

1.       You can strike up a conversation with anyone.
Response:  Yes! If I feel we may have something in common.

2.       You are not timid or shy. You will voice your opinions without hesitation. You speak your mind.
Response:  Yes! So much so that it gets me in trouble.

3.       You have strong opinions and beliefs.
Response:  Very big opinions!

4.       You seek adventure, and excitement.
Response:  Correct.

5.       You could never be a librarian.  It would be “oh-so-boring”.
Response:  Definitely Never

6.       You would enjoy a job where you are the center of attention.
Response:  Incorrect. In some situations I don't really like to be the center of attention. I have anxiety and it bothers me in some situations.

7.       You may have considered being a singer, actress or model at some point in your life.
Response:  Dancer 

8.       You tend to want to create your own path instead of following the paths of others.
Response:  Yes

9.       Your social life is important to you. You love social outings and prefer going out with friends for a night on the town over reading a book in the garden, alone.
Response:  Correct!! Although school has cramped that. 

10.    For an ideal date, if you could choose between a homemade romantic picnic in the park made by your date, or a dinner out at a nice restaurant and dancing afterwards, you wouldn’t hesitate to chose dinner and dancing.
Response:  Yes

11.    You are willing to try most things at least once.
Response:  Yes except sky diving

12.    You hate closed-minded individuals, or people who are dated by time.  They can drive you batty. 
Response:  I HATE closed minded people.

13.    You may tend to roll your eyes at closed-minded, or dated individuals when they aren’t looking.
Response:  I do a lot.

14.    You enjoy status and the things money can buy.
Response:  Correct.

15.    You can procrastinate, and push off deadlines, if the mood suits you.  You shrug it off and deal with the consequences later.
Response:   Yes

16.    You think life is too short to sweat the details!  You believe “Have fun and worry later.”
Response:  Incorrect  No I am one of those people who always have to have a list or everything organized.

17.    You do not consider yourself “conservative” – conservative people are boring.
Response:   True

18.    You are willing to take risks.
Response:  18

19.    You are trendy and fashion conscious about your appearance.
Response:  Yes I have lots of mirrors.

20.    When people apologize to you, you are not always quick to forgive them.  You can hold a grudge, and at times, you let it be known.
Response:  I have held grudges for years

21.    When you have self-doubt, you aren't one to share it with others.  You don’t want people to think you have an insecure side.
Response:  Only very few people know my insecurities.

22.    People who follow rules religiously and don’t bend annoy you. You believe rules are to be broken, otherwise life is too mundane!
Response:  True

23.     You love the city and all its offerings.  If you had to choose between living in New York City, or living in the middle of Iowa on a farm, you’d choose NYC.
Response:  I hate the boonies!

24.     You can be sassy at times, and quite bold.
Response:  Correct

25.    You are not afraid of confrontation.
Response:  No, I am not.

26.    You can be pessimistic at times.  You are not an eternal optimist.  You know life is not always fair.
Response:  I am normally a pessimistic person. To a fault sometimes I think.

27.    You have no problem saying “no” to people when you don’t like or want something.  You are not a people pleaser.
Response:  True

28.    You don’t trust people blindly.  You keep a watchful eye on them before determining if they are trustworthy. 
Response:  Always.

29.    Sometimes jealousy overcomes you, and you have to work to maintain your composure.
Response:  Wow! So so true

30.    Patience is not one of your best virtues.
Response:  I have NO patience.

31.    People perceive you as confident overall though you do have your doubts.
Response:  Yes that is very true. I carry myself confident but really am not.

32.    Your confidence has attracted a lot of male attention.
Response:  My fake confidence has.

33.    You love to flirt.
Response:  Yes

34.    If you had the choice to live a spiritually fulfilling life, or win a million dollars, you’d choose the million dollars. 
Response:  Heck yeah! A million dollars

35.    You can be stubborn, and hard-headed. When you are determined to do something, no one will stop you.
Response:  I hear that everyday.

36.    You were a rebellious teenager.  If someone told you not to do something, you wanted to do it all the more.
Response:  Very rebellious! I was awful.

37.    You put a high value on first impressions, though given time, you may reconsider your original opinion.
Response:  True

38.    You are not one to be “politically correct”. 
Response:  I hate politics.

39.    You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed.
Response:  Of course.

40.    You get bored if you are required to read book on theory and history.
Response:  YES

41.    You are very open to travel, and will take any opportunity to travel.
Response:  Correct

42.  You value imagination and innovation over realism and common sense.
Response:  Correct