What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  39 (one not scored)

Points per Question:  2.56

Questions Incorrect:  4

Total Points Incorrect: 10.24

Total Score:  89.76




My Statements and the responses from subject #76

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who...

1.      …has a gentle nature about her. Correct

2.     You are easy going and adaptable.  Correct.  I usually adapt to change very well.

3.     You are notably trusting of people until they give you a reason not to trust them.  Correct.  I usually trust people a lot, usually more than I should.

4.     You give people the benefit of the doubt, probably more than you actually should.  Correct. 

5.     You are an optimist.  Correct.  I think that optimism is more dominant for me instead of pessimism.

6.     You are slightly reserved.  It takes you time to warm up to strangers and speak your mind.  Incorrect.  Sometimes I do speak my mind right away before I get to know people really well.

7.     You tend to like to follow the lead of other people instead of blaze a new and untried path.  Correct.  I prefer to let other people take the lead, my fiance tells me this all the time.

8.     You are not one to yell at people.  You believe yelling is unnecessary and often find it unnerving!  Correct.  Even when I think yelling at sometime would be justifiable I still can't do it.

9.     You dislike confrontation and try to avoid it at all cost.  Correct.  My fiance tells me this all the time since I usually will compromise or just let things go to avoid confrontation.

10.  You are one to believe in compromise.  Correct.  My fiance and I compromise on everything.  I always try to.

11.  You are a peacemaker and natural mediator.  You just want for people to get along and you will help bring people together however you can.  Correct. When my friends and family fight I do try to help them and try to get them to reach an agreement.

12.  You love harmony.  Correct.  I prefer when everything is calm and settled down.

13.  You may tend to say “yes” to people’s requests even when you don’t really want to do something.  Correct.  I do this a lot and my fiancé always tells me not too but it's just how I do things I guess. 

14.  You hate letting people down.  It really bothers you.  Correct.  This has always been one of my fears.  I do everything in my power to not let people down.

15.  When you say you will do something, you will absolutely follow through.  Correct.  I try to follow through on everything I say I will do and if I don't there's usually a valid reason why I didn't.

16.   You dislike it when people are judgmental of others.  Correct.

17.  You are notably forgiving of others as a general rule.  Correct.  I usually forgive people easily even if I still am upset about it internally.

18.  You are neither an extrovert nor an introvert.  You are somewhere in the middle.  Correct.  I like being around people but I also like alone time.

19.  You enjoy jobs where the expectations are clearly delineated rather than loosely defined and allow for creativity.  That way you know you can meet or exceed expectations.  Correct.  I like lists a lot so I like things to be mapped out for me so I know I've accomplished everything I'm supposed to.

20.  BUT you are not a rigid person, or a person who thrives on structure.  You like a happy balance.  Correct.  Although I like things being clear I do like a little creativity.

21.  You are punctual for appointments and commitments. That’s important to you. Correct.  I hate being late I prefer to be early.

22.  You are open-minded and willing to try new things. It’s notable about you.  Correct.  My fiancé has seen this happen since he's convinced me to try a lot of new things since we've been together.

23.  You are not a fearless person, but when you feel fear, you are willing to try to work through it. You try not to let it stop you.  Correct.

24.  People who know you would say you are exceptionally “polite and courteous” to others.  You treat people like you want to be treated. Correct.  I can't be mean to people.  No matter what someone does or say I'm still very polite and nice to them.

25.  You like to dream about your future and where you will be.  You find it exciting!  Correct.  I always am thinking about the future and what I need to do to get there.  My fiancé definitely knows this since I've been looking forward to getting married someday for years hahaha.

26.  You are neat and orderly in your life, generally speaking. Correct.  As long as generally speaking is in there this is correct.  I try to keep things organized but sometimes it doesn't always work.

27.  People who know you would absolutely call you “down-to-earth”.  I don’t know (NOT SCORED)

28.  You believe we have rules for a reason, and you respect rules.  Correct.

29.  You work well with a group of people.  You can blend in easily.  Correct.  I try to be a team player and get along well with other people.

30.  You are usually punctual for engagement and appointments.  If you are going to be late, you will call and let people know.  Correct.  My bosses all know I'm always on time and usually if I'm even going to be a couple minutes late I call and let them know.

31.  You are not the type of person who will disappear for hours without telling anyone.  People can always find you.  You are predictable.  Incorrect.  I can be impulsive sometimes.

32.  You will keep secrets when asked to do so.  Correct.

33.  You LOVE traditions.  Correct.  This drives my fiance crazy since traditions are very important to me.

34.  If you aren't already, you are really looking forward to being a mom. You adore being around children.  Correct.  I want to be an elementary teacher.

35.  The super natural intrigues you...  Correct.  I love harry potter hahaha.

36.  You remember your best friend's birthdays.  Incorrect.  I'm awful at remembering birthdays.

37.  Manners and etiquette are important to you.  You believe they speak of a person’s character.  Correct.  I always try to be polite because I think it is important.

38.  You are a patient person.  Incorrect. 

39.  You have a giving nature.  People who know you would attest to this.  Correct.  I like to give gifts and things when I can afford it or am able to.
  You enjoy nature and the outdoors.  Correct.  I love being outside and doing things outdoors.

Overall Response:   I think this experience was pretty neat.  I was surprised at how many of the statements were true and thought it was incredible that you could figure that much out about someone just by looking at a couple pictures.