What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.5

Questions Incorrect: 8.5

Total Points Incorrect: 21.25

Total Score: 78.75




My Statements and the responses from subject #68.

When I look at your photos, I see a man who:

  1. …I suspect is skeptical of this project. correct

  2. Your overall demeanor is serious most of the time. You are not a happy-go-lucky kind of person. correct

  3. You are an introvert (getting your energy by being alone rather than from being with other people). Correct with reservations. I’ve been intentional about being more involved with others.

  4. You are very cautious with new people, especially when it comes to trust. Incorrect. As a person of faith, I trust others until they prove themselves otherwise.  Even then it is incumbent upon me to forgive.  Caution in the future is OK.

  5. You believe people need to earn trust and respect.  Correct insofar as ongoing relationships.  I start with an attitude of trust and respect.

  6. Status is not something that is important to you. Very correct.

  7. Stability is important to you. Correct, but I don’t seem to be able to get it.

  8. You are opinionated. Very correct.

  9. You can be hard headed and obstinate in your beliefs. Very correct.

  10. You tend to be set in your ways.  Correct.

  11. You are not verbose with words, even for a guy. Correct. Terse.

  12. You don’t volunteer your thoughts with people freely.  You think before you speak.  Correct, but I volunteer my ideas, perhaps a little too much.  I have to intentionally share my thoughts, it’s not natural to me.

  13. You have a critical eye for others.  Correct.

  14. You enjoy “stirring the pot” at times to shake things up. Correct.

  15. You do not like to be the center of attention.  Incorrect.  I’m a showoff and a smartass.

  16. You are not a people-pleaser.  You have no difficulty in saying “no” to people. Correct.

  17. You are politically conservative.  Correct.

  18. You are not one to care about being politically correct.  You say what is on your mind when you feel like it. Correct.

  19. People who know you will likely say you can be “intense” at times—very focused, very fixated on whatever it is that has your interest. Correct.  Think ADD.

  20. “Reserved” would be a good word to describe you. Correct.

  21. You have what I would call an “off-beat” sense of humor. Correct.

  22. For the most part, you like to see things done “by the book”.  Incorrect.  I am more interested in mercy than justice.

  23. You prefer to work alone rather than on a team.  Correct.

  24. You tend to be uncomfortable expressing your emotions in front of others.  You keep them private, for the most part. First statement correct.  Half-Correct.  As a member of an intentional faith community, I share my thoughts and emotions with the community, even though it is uncomfortable for me.  

  25. You like to take a step-by-step, systematic approach to things you do.  You aren’t one to skip around from A to D and back to B.  You are very procedural.  I’d say incorrect.  I’d rather improve the procedure.  And my own way of doing things is closer to “winging it, ” although this may be partly because I am so familiar with the steps from experience.

  26. You tend to get easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others.  Correct.

  27. You don’t mince words.  The truth, for you, wins out over tact.  Correct.

  28. You think time-honored traditions should be valued and appreciated. Incorrect. I question everything.

  29. In your work environment, you want structure and order.  This is important to you.  Incorrect.  I’m detest having structure imposed on me.  I think a mature person should be able to choose how much structure to submit to.

  30. A love partner for you must be dependable, practical and reasonable. Correct.  Although committed is more important than these.

  31.  You are a “no nonsense” person.  Correct.

  32. You are not adventurous when it comes to exotic food or travel.  It’s not your thing. Incorrect.  I enjoy novelty in food and going new places.  I also like to study people in their native habitat.

  33. You believe in being punctual, and expect the same from others.  Correct. But this is a learned behavior for me.

  34. You believe in deductive reasoning. Correct.

  35. You are a notably good listener.  Correct.   Although some people disagree.

  36.  You are able to hand out punishment or criticism when necessary. Correct for criticism.  I don’t believe in punishment, only consequences.

  37. You are notably responsible with money. Incorrect.  I only don’t spend money when I don’t have any.  I don’t have any credit, so not debt.

  38. You have a tendency to believe you are always right.  Correct.  I can be convinced occasionally.

  39. With that, compromise is not one of your strong suits.  Correct.  I can do it, though I’d rather yield than compromise in most situations.

  40. You are one to show your affection for others through your actions rather than your words.  Correct if you mean touching.  Hugs are my most common expression of affection.  I do verbalize my love with my wife.

Overall Response: Thanks. This has been a good exercise.  I appreciate your giving me this chance to examine my attitudes and feelings in a non-judgmental way.  I am impressed with the level of accuracy, although I may be outside the 97%.  I expect you are spot on with most people.