What does your face say about you?

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My Statements and the responses from subject #67.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

  1. …can be sassy and bold at times. Most of the time I'm quiet and keep to myself but there are times when I pop outta my shell.
  2. You are a realist, though you tend to see the glass half-empty more than half-full.  I would not call you an eternal optimist. My mom says that I should be more grateful for all of the blessings I do have and I am but I tend to still want the things I don't.
  3. You don’t believe anything comes free in life. You are street smart. I believe that everyone should work for what they have and not ask others for handouts when they are capable.
  4. You tend towards being an introvert (an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.  Extroverts are reversed). I am an introvert. I love my alone time.
  5. When you are with people you are comfortable with, however, you can be very notably outspoken.  I do speak up and talk a lot when around people that I'm comfortable with.
  6. You have definite opinions about things. I do and I ain't afraid to tell you about them even if it means you won't like me.
  7. You can be headstrong and obstinate. When I feel strongly about something I can be quite stubborn about it.
  8. You do not trust people blindly. You tend to check people out before trusting them. I've been hurt too much in the past by being naive so these days I never give my trust out blindly.
  9. You can be a pot-stirrer at times.  You like to stir up the monotony of life! Everyone likes a little spice now and then.
  10. Loyalty is an important trait to you. I've had the same group of friends for years.
  11. People who know you would say you can be cynical at times—more than the average person. I am so cynical. I'm probably one of the most cynical people I know of.
  12. Your overall demeanor in life is closer to serious rather than happy-go-lucky, though, no doubt, you can be goofy and silly at times! There are times to be goofy but much of my life is serious.
  13. You like to do things at your speed and on your time. You don't like deadlines. I am such a procrastinator!! That's why most of my homework is turned in just in the nick of time.
  14. You have a natural understanding of people.  It’s a strength of yours. I want to try and understand why a person acts the way they do and give them the benefit of the doubt.
  15. There is not much that will surprise you.  You've seen a lot in your life. I had a rough childhood and my twenties weren't a picnic so no, nothing much surprises me.
  16. You have a good sense of humor and dirty jokes don't make you squirm. Never have, never will! My dad will tell me all the dirty jokes he hears at work and all my guy friends text them to me.
  17. You are a one or two best friend type of person instead of a person who enjoys social cliques of friends. I've always had a small group of friends usually with one best friend.
  18. You tend to hold grudges and you have a hard time forgiving people easily. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me. It's happened and it doesn't happen often. I can forgive but I don't forget.
  19. When friends ask you for an opinion, you tell it to them straight.  You are not one to be politically correct. That’s too fake for you. They're my friends. They should want the honest truth.
  20. You are quite perceptive of your surroundings—more so than the average person. I don't walk into any situation without knowing what's up.
  21. You like to know what is expected of you. When people are vague, it drives you crazy. You don’t see it as a license to be creative. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. Don't expect something off the top of my head.
  22. You are not one to like to be the center of attention. You actually dislike it and avoid it at all costs. Nope, introvert!! Hate the spotlight.
  23. You are a formidable opponent when it comes to fighting for something you believe in. People better watch out! I will fight for what I belive in whether it's my man or animal abuse or something else.
  24. You can be secretive, and have no problem keeping a secret. I am the gossip queen but I know when to keep a secret and have a few of my own.
  25. You have a rebellious side to you. I like to break the rules. That's why I'm becoming a teacher yet I have 5 tattoos and more on the way.
  26. You can be a contrarian. Yeppers!!
  27. You like to people watch and observe others. People are fascinating creatures.
  28. You are an original thinker.  You think outside of the box. I like it my way.
  29. You are quick to see patterns in things. Okay
  30. “Skeptic” would be a good word to describe you. You are skeptical about many things.  I don't believe everything that comes out of people's mouths. That would be naive and I stopped being that a long time ago.
  31. You are “street wise”. Not much can get past me anymore.
  32. “Independent” would be a good word to describe you. I pay my own way and don't like asking for help.
  33. You are not one to need “approval” or “praise” from others when you do things. If you don't like me then you know where the door is.
  34. You are an intuitive person. I can tell when people are sad, or hurting and need their space.
  35. You can be intolerant to the ideas of others at times.  Especially if I think it's a dumb idea. I need to work on that.
  36. Compromise is not one of your strong suits. Depends on the person and situation.
  37. Neither is patience. It never has been. I want what I want when I want it.
  38. You work best in an environment that allows for creativity and freedom.
  39. You aren’t against breaking “rules” if need be.  Life is too short! Try everything once. Otherwise you won't know if you like it.
  40. You know your boundaries and your limitations and have no problem telling people “no” when you don’t feel comfortable. You are not a people-pleaser. If I'm not comfortable doing it, then it ain't happening.

Overall Response: Oh my goodness, that is totally awesome!!! You got me down perfectly...