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Total Questions: 40 Points per Question: 2.5 Questions Incorrect: 1 Total Points Incorrect: 2.5 Total Score: 97.50
SUBJECT #65 My Statements and the responses from subject #65. When I look at your photos, I see a woman who: 1. …who has definite beliefs and opinions about things. Correct: I tend to have beliefs and opinions about everything. 2. You like things done a certain way, and can be notably fussy at times. Correct: I usually like things done a certain way, and if they don't go a certain way I do tend to get a little fussy. 3. You are a detail-oriented person. Correct: I like to know details about everything I do. 4. You are self-confident and know who you are. Correct: I do know who I am. 5. You are an extrovert. correct: I am a very outgoing person. 6. You say what is on your mind—most of the time. Correct: I always say what is on my mind, and it sometimes gets me in trouble. 7. You are willing to take risks. Fear does not hold you back often, and when it does, you work hard to get past it. Correct: sometimes I do like to take the risk and do know that there could be consquences with it, but will do anything to get past the fear and the risk that come along with it. 8. You don’t shy away from confrontation. You will stand your ground. Incorrect: I am a very shy person, and sometimes do not stand my ground even when I need to. 9. People who procrastinate really can drive you crazy! Correct: It really bothers me, when people do wait to the last minute to do things. 10. You are an optimist, but you are a realist too. You are a true combo—trying to balance both. Correct: I do try to balance out the two. I try to see things from both sides of view. 11. You have a notably competitive spirit. Correct: I do tend to have a competitive spirit. 12. You put your trust into most people you meet, but you don’t trust blindly. You do keep your eye on people until you feel safe. Correct: I will trust anybody, until they give me a reason not to. 13. You read between the lines in life. You don't things at face value. You believe things run deeper than what is visually apparent to us. Correct: I always read between the lines, that was one thing I was taught. 14. You are an independent thinker. correct: I am a independent thinker. I like to have my own thoughts and opinions about things. 15. If someone gets you mad, you will speak up most of the time. Correct: most of the time I will say something. 16. You can be very persistent and determined when you decide you want to do something. Correct: If I do not feel like doing something at the time someone wants me to I probably will not do it. 17. You have a wild side that you let out now and then. Correct: I can have a wild side, but I only show it when I want to. 18. You can be sassy and sharp at times. I can be sassy and sharp at times and it sometimes gets me in trouble. 19. Other times, you can be very sweet and gentle. You are unique this way, in that you have embraced two sides of yourself. Correct: Oh yes I love to be sweet and gentle. 20. You can be head-strong and obstinate at times. Once you've made up your mind about something, it can be hard to convince you to change it. Correct: If my mind is already made up, there is no way I will change it. 21. You can be secretive. Correct: I can be secretive. Sometimes I let the secrets slip. 22. Patience is not one of your strong suits. Correct: I do not have alot of patience, and my mom can tell you that. 23. Tenacity is! Correct: tenacity is right. 24. You can be judgmental. Correct: I can be judgemental. 25. You consider yourself “liberal”. Correct: I do consider myself to be liberal. 26. You like spontaneity. Routine gets boring quickly for you. Correct: I like to do different things. 27. You need creative outlets for your energy. correct: I do need creative outlets. 28. You have an analytical mind. correct: I do have a analytical mind. 29. You have leadership tendencies. You like to be in charge. Correct: I do sometimes like to be in charge, I do not like being a follower. 30. Because you project confidence, people in your life have mistaken it for arrogance or conceitedness in the past. Correct: people in my family have. 31. You know how to say no. You are not a people-pleaser. Correct: I do know how to say no: if I don’t like it I will say no. 32. You likely enjoy participating in sports. Correct: I love participating in sports. 33. You act on reasoning and logic rather than your emotions. Correct: I do tend to act on reasoning. 34. When you need assistance with something, you are not shy to ask for help. Correct: If I don't understand something I will ask for help. 35. You are decisive. correct: I am very decisive. 36. You aren’t one to talk to others about issues of self-improvement or your internal struggles very often. You consider that private and will only tell your very closest confidants. Correct: I will only tell someone who I can trust. 37. You enjoy jobs where the expectations are clearly delineated, but still allow room for creativity. Correct: always. You want to know what is expected of you, but you also want to influence your circumstances as well. Correct: I always like to know what is expected of me. 38. You enjoy being active and on-the-go. You couldn’t date or marry a couch potato! correct: I love being busy all the time, and love being outdoors. 39. You are someone who may tend to hold a grudges. You aren’t one to let go of things easily. Correct: If I have a reason to hold a grudge I will. 40. You have definite personal boundaries that you expect people to respect. correct: if they have something they want me to respect I will do so, only if they will respect what I wanted respected. Overall Response: I believe that this was a really cool experience. Almost all of my statements were correct, and I think that is cool. It's weird what you can see and say just from a picture. |