What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.5

Questions Incorrect: 1.5

Total Points Incorrect: 3.75

Total Score: 96.25




My Statements and the responses from subject #62.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

1.    …is easy going and laid back.
Correct. I would say I am this way most of the time

2.    You are notably compassionate.
 Correct - with everyone I meet

3.    You have a giving spirit and a generous heart. 
correct again!  I think that goes in hand with compassion

4.   You would help a homeless man, or a stranger in need, however you can—without question.
correct - although I do not believe in giving out money to those standing on street corners 

5.    You likely are very giving of your time to different charities or organizations that help others.
correct - every chance I get

6.    You also likely rally other people for different causes (even if only personally and one-on-one) and because of your emotional draw, you draw in other people.
correct - choosing words wisely can help accomplish this

7.    You are not a judgmental person.
correct  - although this is a trait I have recently learned to improve upon

8.    You pick up on the pain of other people, and at times, it can bring you down.
correct - I often will lose myself in other peoples pain

9.    When you get sad, or upset, you have a hard time hold back tears. This was even more pronounced when you were younger.
correct - it was worse when I was younger will probably always be that way

10.  You tend to follow your heart and make emotionally-based decisions.
correct - this sometimes gets me into trouble 

11.  You are accepting of diversity and differences—more so than most people.
correct - I see the opposite in my family and in my co-workers

12.  You are a fair person.  Fairness is notably important to you.
correct - this something I try to instill into my children

13.  You do not enjoy being the center of attention.  It’s just not for you.
correct - I am more in tune to sitting back and letting others take the lead

14.  You work well with a group of people.  You can blend in easily.
correct - I feel we learn more and get more done when we combine out efforts

15.  You are reliable and trustworthy.  When you give your word you absolutely mean it.
correct - I feel bad if I let someone down and I don't like feeling that way

16.  If you had to choose between “self-conscious” or “confident”, you would chose self-conscious. 
correct - I am always self-conscious of how others see me 

17.  You are one to be critical and hard on yourself.
correct - especially with my outward appearance and in my personal relationships

18.  You take failure harder than most people.  You truly hold yourself accountable.
correct - who else is to blame but oneself?

19.  You don’t like to work under pressure.  Some people get exhilarated by deadlines.  You don’t.
correct - that makes more room for errors

20.  You learn best by “doing”.  You are a hands-on learner. 
correct - it is easier for me to learn this way

21.  You are one to place the needs of others above your own.
correct - I will give up something to satisfy another's needs

22.  You likely hide your pain from others, and don't find it easy to talk about.
partially correct - it is hard for me to hide my pain and even harder to talk about it

23.  If you don't take hold of what troubles you, you can get rather down, if not depressed.  At these times, you can isolate yourself which is the worst thing for you.
correct - this is something that I am trying to overcome, and having close friends helps

24.  You are trusting of others, perhaps at times, to your detriment.  But you wouldn't have it any other way. You want to give everyone a chance.
correct - usually that detriment comes with close personal relationships

25.  You value spirituality and human connections more than anything money can buy.  While you want your basic needs met, after that, money doesn't rank high in your world.
correct - as long as I have someone to love me, that is all that matters

26.  You find conflict and criticism difficult to palette.
correct - I often take these to heart and can be easily hurt

27.  One of your weaknesses is that you don’t express your needs to other people, and hence by not doing so, you tend to get frustrated.
very correct - sometimes I feel that expressing my needs will lead to being hurt or embarrassed

28.  You are not a verbose person.
correct again - silence is golden

29.  You are a patient person.
partially correct - in relationships, but in business, not so

30.  Your family is the center of your life.  This is notable about you.
correct - even though I may not see them everyday, they know I am always there for them

31.  You place a high value harmony and cooperation.
correct - things flow more easily than with discord and conflict

32.  You have a difficult time saying “no” to people when asked for help.  You tend to be a people-pleaser.
correct - even if it is someone I do not let along with, I will go out of my way to help them

33.  “You are stead-fast and meticulous in handling your responsibilities” (Wikipedia)
correct - my motto is "if you want it done right, do it yourself"

34.  You are generally a quiet person, though you are people-oriented and very observant.
correct - is mainly true around large groups of people

35.  You have a strong work ethic.
correct - I believe this is due to the way my mother raised me

36.  You are organized and tidy, as a general rule.
correct - another trait I received from my mom

37.  “Nurturer” would be a good word to describe you.
correct - I love to foster my children and even co-workers when asked to do so

38.  You prefer to work in an environment where the rules are clearly defined rather than work in a creative environment where rules are less defined.
correct - I feel more is accomplished in this type of environment

39.  “Cautious” would be a good word to describe you.
partially correct - although I do not feel I am very cautious in my personal relationships

40.  You likely have worked in, or are attracted to the field of healthcare or another occupation that allows you to help others.  A job that allows you to help others would be an ideal job for you.
Correct - I am currently trying to get into the field of nursing

Overall Response: (none)