What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  45

Points per Question: 2.22

Questions Incorrect: 11

Total Points Incorrect: 24         

Total Score:  75.55


My Statements and the responses from Subject #6.

Sujbect 6 is not American.  English is not her native language.  I agreed to do her early in the project.

When I look at your photos:, I see:

1.  I see a woman who positive about life and trusting of others. Response:  YES, although I’m trusting in general when it doesn’t really matter, I won’t easily let people get close emotionally.

2. When you met a stranger, you believe they are good until they prove otherwise to you.
Response:  YES, unless that person sets of my radar (some people just don’t feel right from the start) but this doesn’t happen often.

3.  You dislike it when people get critical of others, and talk behind other people's back.
Response:  YES!!

4.  You don't like people who are judgmental -- judging others by their exterior.
Response:  YES!!

5.  You are an eternal optimist. Pessimists drive you crazy, but that doesn't mean you won't be friends with them. You will try to have fun regardless, and hope they join in.
Response:  YES, but I used to be a big pessimist though. But having survived some things in the recent past, I feel strong and very optimistic. And pessimism just seems stupendous and it will drive me crazy.

6.  If someone you know well say "Jane is a liar" and she bad mouths Jane but does not give you any proof that Jane really lied, you will want to give Jane the benefit of the doubt. 
Response:  YES.

7.  You are an extrovert.  You are not an introvert, but you aren't always comfortable walking up to complete strangers.  Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.  It depends on your mood.
Response:  YES. But I used to think I was the biggest introvert ever and too shy to survive, doing weird things like hiding in my university dorm room to pick up my mail to avoid running into fellow inhabitants. And people that knew (of) me ‘scared’ me more than complete strangers. But this too has changed completely. People that know me now start laughing hard when I tell them that I’m really a shy person. Sometimes it’s still hard to think of myself as extrovert, and sometimes I feel myself tempted to slip back into old habits, but the person I am today should definitely be described as extrovert.

8.  You LOVE socializing, parties and going out with friends.
Response:  Yes and no. When I was a teenager I was never allowed to go out with my friends, so I never really got the hang of the whole thing, I’m still not good at it. But I do feel a serious need to socialize and hang out with my friends more and more (especially now that I live so far away from my family).

9.  You are the one who likes to organize parties, and may often host them for your friends, even if it is a casual get together at your house.
Response:  YES, I love the organization of parties and the like, but I don’t actually host many.

10. You like traditions.

11. You like to celebrate all the little holidays on the calendar. It's fun, so why not? It's a reason to call your friends.
Response:  YES, but I’m more likely to celebrate them with my family or boyfriend instead of friends.

12. If you aren't already, you are really looking forward to being a mom. You adore being around children.
Response:  YES!

13. You have a strong maternal instinct and have had for as long as you remember.
Response:  YES, very strong!!

14. You are a nurturing person. If someone doesn't feel good, and has a headache, you are likely to get up and get them aspirin and sympathize with their pain.
Response:  YES.

15. You are not confrontational. You avoid confrontations at all costs.
Response:  Incorrect. NO. Maybe I don’t really like confrontations because the thought of it makes me a bit antsy. But I won’t avoid confrontations and I will mentally prepare for attack. Yet I will be pleasantly surprised and relieved when all that stressful nonsense is not necessary.

16. You are a peace maker and natural mediator.  You just want for people to get along and you will help bring people together however you can.
Response: YES.

17. You take things at face value most of the time.
Response:  Incorrect. NO. I think I have a fairly suspicious mind, I won’t just believe something just because somebody says so.

18. You aren't one to ponder something for days, hours or weeks. It is what it is, so don't make it a big deal.
Response:  Incorrect. NO. I do tend to ponder about important thing for long times and can make a big deal out of it, but only when the matter is really important to me (usually regarding my family and boyfriend).

19. The super natural intrigues you...
Response:  YES!!

20. You don't like people who yell and scream when they fight. It drives you crazy. It's not necessary.
Response:  YES!! I hate it when people yell and scream when they fight (especially people I love), it makes me feel sick in my stomach.

21. You do have an insecure side, but you don't want others to see it. You work to hide it.
Response:  YES!!

22. You can be jealous of others, and when you are, you typically withdraw and remove yourself as a coping mechanism. You are not the type to say mean things.
Response:  YES. Especially, concerning what I’m insecure about.

23. You enjoy acting and theatrical productions.
Response:  YES, actually I used to play the leads in school productions. But I became very shy and introverted when I went to university and gave it up.

24. Psychology interests you as does the study of child behavior. Response:  YES!!

25. You enjoy being out in the country as much as you do going to the city.
Response:  Incorrect. NO. I consider myself a city girl, I really like the excitement and convenience of cities. The country (at least in Europe and Japan) is too boring in my opinion.

26.  A picnic in the park is fun, but so is going out dancing! You'll do either.
Response:  Incorrect.NO.

27. You'll go camping with friends. You like nature and animals.
Response:  Incorrect. NO, I’m not a big fan of nature (and I hate bugs) nor animals. I’d go camping because it would be fun to spend time together in tents and around the campfire, but not for the nature or animals, and I wouldn’t be really comfortable.

28. You like diversity. Monotony is boring.
Response:  YES!!

29. You'll try anything once! You are more open to new experiences.
Response: YES!

30. You are not fearful of things. Fear does not stop you from new experiences often. If you feel fear, you push beyond it and hope for the best.
Response:  Incorrect. NO. Fear can really keep me from doing things. Especially fear of bodily harm, like going to the dentist and bungee jumping, or fear of shame, like getting naked in front of strangers and friends in a Japanese hot spring.

31. For a friend's birthday, you are likely to bake her a cake as a gift.
Response:  Incorrect. NO, but mostly because I don’t have an oven and am not especially good at baking cakes.

32. You remember your best friend's birthdays.
Response:  YES, of course.

33. For your wedding, you would like a big traditional affair with all your friends and family.
Response:  YES!

34. You want to be the center of attention for your wedding day. Response:  YES, together with my new husband.

35. You are a giving and generous person.
Response:  YES.

36. You have lots of friends. You prefer lots of friends over one or two close friends. You have many acquaintances.
Response:  Incorrect. NO, I prefer a few close friends over lots of friends, and I really hesitate before calling anybody my friend. I don’t have many acquaintances, I tend to concentrate my attention on a few people.

37. You may tend to be politically correct at times with friends instead of being honest because you don't want to hurt their feelings.
Response:  YES.

38.  You can become shy around guys when in the dating scene. It takes you some time to open up and be yourself. You are not the type to ask a guy on a date.
Response:  YES.

39. You are likely patriotic for your country.
Response:  YES, especially now that I live on the other side of the world.

40. You can procrastinate.  If you don't like a certain chore, like washing dishes or laundry, they may pile up a while before you get to it.
Response:  YES, this has mostly applied to my university studies which I really didn’t like, so I would put everything off the entire time.

41. Your appearance is important you, but you aren't a glamour girl who has to have her hair and nails done weekly. Nice casual attire is just fine for almost anything.
Response:  YES.

42. You try to be punctual, but you are late now and then, but you don't fret over it. It's no big deal though you apologize and give an explanation.
Response:  Incorrect. NO. I’m very punctual and always try to arrive 10 minutes before (but this may be a Dutch thing). I can’t stand it when people are late, because I regard it as arrogance and believing that whatever last minute things they had to do were more important than the time of the person who’s waiting for you. I don’t want people to think I don’t value their time so I make sure I’m always on time. Besides punctuality is also very important in Japan, and they don’t accept explanations, not that I’ve ever had to give one.

43. You are not a highly structured person. You prefer to ebb and flow.
Response:  UNDETERMINED I’m not sure which I am, structured or non-structured… I love organizing for things and doing research and making detailed plans. I also love the adventure of not knowing, and doing whatever I feel like in the moment. Both are very enjoyable and make me happy, in many aspects of my life. I can’t decide which is stronger.

44. For employment, a desk job without contact with people all day would make you go insane. You prefer jobs with people contact.
Response: YES, but this is something I’ve just recently learned about myself as a teacher in Japan.

45. You forgive easily when someone apologizes. Sometimes though, if you really feel wronged, you will hold a secret reservation inside, but you'd never tell that to the person. Instead, you will just keep a little distance.
Response: YES.