What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question: 2.5

Questions Incorrect: 9

Total Points Incorrect: 22.5

Total Score: 77.50




My Statements and the responses from Subject #57.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

  1. …is very skeptical about this project! You are a skeptical person about many things. correct.  I want things proven to me.
  2. You are opinionated.  correct. I think I become more so as the years pass.
  3. You can be notably obstinate and head-strong once you’ve made up your mind about something. correct. It’s hard to get me to change my mind once I’ve made it up.
  4. You feel that life is unfair and that nothing ever comes for free. There is always a catch. correct.  I believe you get what you work for.
  5. You are not trusting of strangers. People have to “earn your trust”. correct.  When I was younger, I got into trouble when I trusted people I didn’t know well so that taught me a lesson.
  6. Your overall demeanor is serious. correct. My family is always telling me to “lighten up”.
  7. You like to know what is expected of you. When people are vague, it drives you crazy. You don’t see it as a license to be creative. correct. I do not consider myself to be creative so I like things “spelled out” for me.
  8. Prim and proper is for the Queen, not for you, thank you very much. correct.
  9. You like to do things at your speed and on your time. You don’t like deadlines. incorrect. I like to know the deadline for things to be done and then I try to finish as much ahead of the deadline as possible.
  10. You are a big picture person. The details will fall into place. You don’t worry about them too much. incorrect. I worry more about the details needed to get to the big picture.
  11. You are not one to like to be the center of attention. You actually dislike it and avoid it at all costs. correct. I go to great lengths to avoid calling attention to myself.
  12. Public speaking does not interest you in any form. correct. I prefer being in the background, listening, not speaking.
  13. You’ve lived a difficult life. Life has not come easy for you. correct. However, looking back, I can see that I am responsible for a lot of those difficulties.
  14. “Non-conforming” would be a good word to describe you. incorrect. If I were non-conforming, I might draw attention to myself and I would never do that intentionally.
  15. You don’t feel most people understand you at your core. You’ve come to accept that. correct. I am not sure I understand me at my core.
  16. You tend to see the negatives in life before the positives (you are pessimist). correct. I do see the negatives first and then look for the positive side of things.
  17. You are street-wise. No one will sell you a line of B.S. You know better! correct. It came with age.
  18. You believe people can be selfish and self-centered. correct. If it doesn’t benefit them, they are not interested.
  19. You are suspicious of people and their motives more often than not. correct. Especially, if they are offering me assistance.
  20. You are not one to say that most people are good. You believe there are good people, but there are also plenty of “some”  bad people. correct. I do feel most people are good but I know there are also bad people.
  21. You consider yourself “liberal-minded”. correct.
  22. You are one to hold on to a grudge and have a difficult time letting things go. correct. As I get older, I find I don’t hold on to grudges as long as I did when I was younger, but I do still have a hard time letting things go.
  23. You enjoy spending time alone. You don’t need to be around people to enjoy yourself. correct. I really prefer my own company.
  24. When you get upset, you are one to let others know how you are feeling. You don’t bottle it up inside. incorrect. I do keep anger bottled up inside.
  25. You do not shy away from confrontation. You will absolutely stand your ground. incorrect. I hate confrontations and go to great lengths to avoid them.
  26. You are not afraid to speak your mind and tell people what you really think. incorrect. If I did that, it might cause a confrontation and I try to avoid that happening.
  27. You are a formidable opponent. correct.
  28. You are not a people-pleaser. You have no problems saying “No!” incorrect. Even if I say “No!” at first, I am really bad about changing it to “okay” if the person is really upset by the “no”.
  29. You can be secretive. correct. I don’t feel that I have to tell everything.
  30. You don’t like people who are clingy. They drive you crazy! correct. I do not like “feely-touchy”. Depend on yourself-don’t hang on to me!
  31. You can be resistant to change. correct. Change can be uncomfortable.
  32. You have a rebellious side to you. correct. A lot of my rebellion goes on inside and is never manifested for others to see.
  33. You are not shy to break the rules if it suits you! incorrect. I believe everyone should play by the rules.
  34. You are not one to like going out in nature and/or to go camping. correct. I do go camping but it is in a shelter with as many of the comforts from home that I can pack in the van. I do not prefer “roughing” it.
  35. You are not imaginative or a dreamer. You are much more realistic. correct. I do not waste my time thinking about what could be or could happen; I accept things as they are.
  36. You are not one to sugar-coat anything! incorrect. It depends on who I am dealing with.
  37. You can be quite cynical about things. correct. I do believe most people have selfish motives for what they do.
  38. People have to earn your respect. You don’t just give it to people freely. correct. Actions speak louder than words.
  39. You can be a contrarian. correct. Where family is concerned, this is true.
  40. Your comfort is very important to you. correct. It gets more important as I get older.

Overall Response:  I was very surprised that you were able to glean so much correct information from looking at my photos. You have earned my respect.