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Total Questions: 41 Points per Question: 2.44 Questions Incorrect: 3 Total Points Incorrect: 7.32 Total Score: 92.68
SUBJECT #36 My Statements and the responses from Subject #36. When I look at your photos:, I see a woman who: 1. …enjoys having fun. Having fun is a priority to you! CORRECT 2. You are outgoing and social. CORRECT. When I’m in a social environment im outgoing but tend to stick with my just my close friends otherwise. 3. You are an extrovert. CORRECT 4. You are an optimist through and through! CORRECT 5. You are self-confident. CORRECT 6. You are competitive. CORRECT. Not obnoxiously, but like to win. 7. You are charismatic. CORRECT 8. You likely have a group of close friends outside of your best friends. You are not a one-friend type of person. CORRECT. I have many different levels and groups of friends. And tend not to mix them. 9. When you dated, you knew how to treat a woman and keep her coming back to you. CORRECT. And am still on good terms with all ex's 10. You had no problems getting dates when you were single (don't know if you still are.) CORRECT. And am currently single. 11. You enjoyed playing the field when you were single (dating more than one girl at a time). CORRECT. But I haven't been single for very long in my life so Im soaking it up now while I have the chance. Not in an asshole way. But casual hanging out with different girls. 12. You have a romantic side. CORRECT. Very much so. 13. You are a sports enthusiast and love rooting for your favorite team. CORRECT. Again, not to an obnoxious level. 14. You likely participate in sports too (perhaps volleyball? Or, rugby, hockey or soccer?). CORRECT. Tennis mostly, softball, and some wrestling in highschool. Those are my league sports, but will/can play whatever people are playing. 15. You are analytical. CORRECT. Very much so. 16. You don't take things at face value. You know there is more. CORRECT. Theres always a catch. Im in advertising, I know. 17. You are liberal-minded. CORRECT. I have the lifestyle of a liberal. But people are shocked when I tell them Im a republican. So Ill consider that as liberal-minded, but think the government needs to be republican when looking at the big picture. 18. You love adventure and going out of your comfort zone. INCORRECT. While I do like an adventure now and again. Im a big fan of being in my comfort zone. 19. You are a risk-taker. INCORRECT. If I take a risk, its very calculated. 20. You are hard-working and dedicated. CORRECT. 21. You are goal-oriented. CORRECT 22. You believe you can do anything you set your mind to accomplish. CORRECT. Often think of what I "could" do. But then just think of how Im content in what I am doing. 23. You are close to your family. Family is very important to you. CORRECT. 24. You enjoy playing harmless pranks on friends and family. You're always up for a good laugh! CORRECT 25. You likely have owned a sports car at one time. INCORRECT. Im not that guy. Had a junker Crown Victoria, then a full size van, and now a Honda Element. I like utility. 26. You are relatively neat for a guy-keeping your things in order. CORRECT. Im constantly redecorating my apt. And have a motto in the house of A.B.C. (Always be cleaning). Since Im definitely capable of letting the place go to hell, I think a little cleaning often, is better than a huge cleaning every now and again. 27. You can be secretive. CORRECT. Only I know whats really going on up in this head. 28. You are not a follower. CORRECT 29. You like to make your own path in life. CORRECT 30. You don't have to have things your way. CORRECT 31. ..but you do know how you like things done. VERY MUCH CORRECT 32. You care about your belongings, and want other people to respect them. CORRECT. Im a coaster nazi. And also respect others belongings more so than my own. 33. You have perseverance. CORRECT. But also know when to give up. 34. You need a job where there is people interaction. You would die at a desk job with no people contact. CORRECT. I’m an art director at an ad agency. So I am at a desk, however the people I work with are very fun and there is a lot of socializing. So its not a traditional desk job. 35. Your ideal job doesn't involve a desk, actually. You prefer other types of work. (a desk job is too mundane for you!). CORRECT. Ideal job is owning a deli. 36. You can be very enthusiastic about endeavors. CORRECT. Makes things more fun. 37. You are one to show your excitement about something where people take notice. CORRECT. It gets them into it more. 38. You are one to self-motivate yourself. CORRECT. Its the only way I get anything done. 39. You make decisions based on logic rather than your emotions. CORRECT. Very logical person. 40. You are known to stir things up now and then to have fun. CORRECT. 41. You can be downright silly at times. It's all in good fun. Why not? CORRECT. Big time. My friends and I are always trying to out silly each other. Overall Response: Very well done. I thought these would be all "cookie-cutter"-"horoscope-esque"-"applies-to-everyone" type answers. But they are pretty specific and spot on. I've actually done something similar with my friends. We pick up old photos from antique stores analyze them, give a back story and descriptions, and then see if the other guy can pick out which person Im talking about. Since we've always though of ourselves as someone who can judge a book by the cover. And then thought we could provide it as a service for people who have pictures of but never knew their deceased relatives. This was mostly us being silly, but I see you've done it right and beaten us to the punch. Well done, very interesting stuff. |