What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question: 2.5

Questions Incorrect: 4

Total Points Incorrect: 10

Total Score: 90.00



My Statements and the responses from Subject #39.

When I look at your photos:, I see a man who: 

1.     …is down to earth

2.     You are a compassion person.
incorrect.  I feel that I am too judgemental most of the time, but have moments of compassion.  .

3.     You do not take life at face value.  You know there is more.

4.     You are a realist.
correct.  My friends tell me that they can always count on me to give them my real thoughts.

5.     Being trustworthy and dependable are important for you.  When you give your word, you stick to it.

6.     You don't trust people blindly.  You assess them before giving someone your trust, even if it is briefly.
correct.  Read #2.

7.     You are middle-of-the-road when it comes to self-confidences (perhaps with a slight trend towards confident).
correct.  I've been told that I come off as very self-confident; even a braggard, but I am pretty self-conscious.

8.     You are analytical.
correct.  Very. 

9.     You are adventurous.  You are willing to experience new and unknown things.
correct. My friends will usually find me leading the charge.

10. You are naturally curious about things. It's a notable trait about you.

11. You have definite opinions and beliefs about things.
correct.  I try to work on them regularly to make sure they still ring true.

12. You can be head-strong and obstinate at times, but only about important specific things.  You are not head-strong about everything.
correct.  Unfortunately.

13. You are not shy about confronting people, or being confronted.  You will stand your ground.
correct.  I do not run towards confrontation, but if one is necessary, I'll usually do it.

14. You like nature, and enjoy the outdoors.

15. You can be philosophical and enjoy having philosophical conversations.

16. You are introspective.

17. You are not critical of others.
incorrect.  Read #2.

18. You are quick to understand new things.

19. You like to know what it expected of you for your job, but outside of work, you are happy with things being more random.
correct.  This one is spot on.

20. You are neither an introvert nor an extravert. You can be both. It depends on the situation.
incorrect.  I'm a pretty hardcore extrovert.

21. When asked for an opinion, you tell people what you really think.

22. You have a soft heart.

23. You likely enjoy participating in team-related sports.
correct.  I love team-related anything.

24. You enjoy the camaraderie, and being part of a team.
correct.  Read #23.

25. You are competitive, but not a sore loser. 

26. You are not materialistic.

27. You have good self-discipline.

28. You would say you act on reasoning and logic the majority of the time, and not your emotions.  You react emotionally, but much less frequently.
correct.  I originally said incorrect, but my wife said that I would say this if I wasn't being so introspective.

29. When you get mad, however, and feel violated, your emotions tend to get in the mix, and with that, you often need time to cool down before you will discuss things.

30. When you get mad or frustrated at doing something for instance and it continually fails on you, you are one to express it verbally with a few choice words.
incorrect.  Maybe not choice words, but I will say that I disapprove of "X", and be prepared to discuss why I disapprove.

31. You believe that just because someone is in a position of authority doesn't necessarily mean they know best.

32. You are hard working and dedicated to your job.  That's important to you.

33. You are not a fearful person, or a person who is held back by fear.

34. You are an affectionate person in your relationships.  If you're married, your wife would agree.

35. You are friendly when you are out and about.  You smile and say hi to strangers.

36. You are not wasteful. 

37. You are self-directed.  You are not a follower.

38. You have a calm demeanor overall—even in times of crisis; you keep your wits about you.
correct.  I like this about myself.

39. Your friends would say you are very loyal and devoted to them.

40. You stifle in situations where the rules are strict and rigid.  You prefer freedom and flexibility to perform your best.
I need structure and clear expectations in a job setting, but sometimes that just helps me find the easiest rule to break.  So, maybe correct.

Overall Response: (Renee asked, were you skeptical?) I wasn't really skeptical going into the process.  I was more interested and wanted to support the idea.  I think in hindsight I would say that there were a couple of items that were really specific (#19) and a number that could broadly be painted across many people.  It also seems like the observations are almost always positive.  So, I found myself maybe feeling a little skeptical afterwards.  But at the same time, it was fun to read your perceptions.  I mean, I think most people love feedback about themselves, and I am no exception.  So, in that regard I'm grateful to you that I participated.  It was very fun.