What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question: 2.5

Questions Incorrect: 2

Total Points Incorrect: 5

Total Score: 95.00



My Statements and the responses from Subject #35.

When I look at your photos:, I see a woman who:

  1. …is slightly reserved. correct

  2. You can be both introvert and an extrovert.  It depends on your circumstances.  With strangers, you survey the scene before speaking. With friends, you can be quite outgoing and social.  correct

  3. You hesitate to trust people at the drop of a hat. You give them a good look over first. correct

  4. You have a big heart and a generous soul. correct

  5. You are very perceptive. correct

  6. You feel other people’s emotions. correct

  7. When people ask you for an opinion, you dish it to people straight. correct

  8. With that, your friends know they can come to you for advice and do. correct

  9. You are observant and a people watcher. correct

  10. If you had to choose between two words “confident” or “self-conscious”, you would chose self-conscious. correct

  11. You value a good sense of humor in others. correct

  12. You have good common sense, correct

  13. …but you let your emotions make decision for you instead of logic sometimes, and you often regret it. correct

  14. If someone confronts you, you will stand your ground. correct

  15. If you see a friend of yours being picked on, you will likely stand up and defend them.  correct

  16. You know the world isn’t fair, but you strive to be. correct

  17. You are good at improvising when necessary. correct

  18. You are open-minded and tolerant of people—more so than the average person. incorrect

  19. You are good at expressing yourself—except when it comes to your inner pains and struggles. correct

  20. You are a truth-seeker.  You want to know the truth. correct

  21. You doubt yourself more than you should, and you can be hard on yourself. correct

  22. You are a big picture person; the details will fall into place later. incorrect

  23. You are flexible and adaptable. correct

  24. You are self-sufficient and value that quality about yourself. correct

  25. You are naturally a very curious person. correct

  26. You are impulsive. incorrect

  27. You are not one to like public speaking. It’s not your bag of tea. correct

  28. Planning and organization are not your best attributes. correct

  29. You tend to read between the lines in life.  There is more to life than meets the eye. correct

  30. You are analytical. correct

  31. You are a realist. correct

  32. You like spontaneity. correct

  33. You believe the rules should be broken now and then—otherwise life is too boring. correct

  34. You are not materialistic.  Spirituality is much more important to you. correct

  35. You enjoy looking good, but high fashion is overrated to you. correct

  36. You likely have an interest in psychology and/or human behavior. correct

  37. You give good advice, but don’t always follow your own insights. correct 

  38. You don’t like rigid rules, or strict expectations.  It stifles you. correct

  39. You can be a procrastinator. correct

  40. You tightly guard your secrets, and insecurities. correct

  41. Sometimes you hide things so well people have no idea what is going on in your head. correct

Overall Response: I agree with most of the things that were said. There were a few I disagreed with though. I’m not tolerable of people; I have a tendency to snap at people when I am irritated. I have patience for ignorance but not stupidity. A few of the readings hit the nail on the head perfectly! #37, #39, #41, #7,#8…those are perfect. I was overall impressed with this experiment, but am a little skeptical of some of the readings. I feel like a few of them are broad and can be determined by the fact that I am a female in college and also by my appearance in the pictures (ex; I’m wearing makeup, my hair is done…). Thank you for your readings.

After some discussion...Subject 35 wrote:
Finally...your summary about me is PERFECT!!!! I do try to have a very hard exterior and guard my insecurities and secrets. I've always been mistaken to be older than I actually am and people say it's because I carry myself with confidence and have more common sense then most my age. I agree to a certain extent, only because I can't speak for everyone my age. But you are very right that my friends have a hard time reading me. I get told alot that I need to let people in more and quit having my guard up. Thank you so much for your feedback on my questions. It helped me understand my readings much better. I have recommended that most of my friends try your site and see what they find out. You are wonderful at what you do.