What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question: 2.5

Questions Incorrect: 3.5

Total Points Incorrect: 8.75

Total Score: 91.25



My Statements and the responses from Subject #33.

When I look at your photos:, I see a woman who:

  1. ...can be quite serious at times.  correct

  2. Other times you can be full of life and humor. correct

  3. You read between the lines in life.  You don't things at face value. You believe things run deeper than what is visually apparent to us. correct

  4. You do not trust people blindly.  You give people a good once over first. correct

  5. You have definite opinions. correct

  6. You are an independent thinker. correct

  7. You are not one to follow others. You like to make your own path. correct

  8. You have a good sense of self.  You know who you are. correct

  9. You don't shy away from confrontations.  You will stand your ground. correct

  10. You can be a force to recon with actually when confronted. correct

  11. If someone gets you mad, they will know it. correct

  12. You vocalize your frustrations and anger rather than pent it up. correct

  13. You are a "strong personality". correct 

  14. You aren't shy or timid. correct

  15. You can be very persistent and determined when you decide you want to do something. correct

  16. You can be a fierce competitor. correct

  17. You are curious by nature. correct

  18. You are an explorer. You love adventure. correct

  19. You are willing to go out of your comfort zone for new experiences.  Bring it on! correct

  20. You think the rules should be broken now and then-otherwise life is to boring. correct

  21. You are known to stir the pot now and then! correct

  22. You can be spontaneous. correct

  23. You have a wild side that you let out now and then. correct

  24. You like to dream about your future, and where you will be. correct

  25. You would enjoy jobs where you have "power" and "influence". correct

  26. You can be very energetic and motivated at times-where people stop and take notice! correct

  27. You are NOT a people pleaser. incorrect

  28. You can be sassy. correct

  29. You like things that challenge you. correct

  30. You are a risk-taker. correct

  31. You can strike up a conversation with a stranger without a problem .incorrect

  32. You aren't afraid to speak your mind when asked for an opinion. You say it like it is. correct

  33. You can be head-strong and obstinate at times. Once you've made up your mind about something, it can be hard to convince you to change it. correct

  34. You can be impulsive. correct

  35. You can be secretive. correct

  36. When you do know a secret, you may flaunt that you know something to others, but you won't reveal it! correct

  37. You can be rambunctious. correct

  38. You portray confidence and you are confident... but underneath it all, you tightly guard your doubts and insecurities. correct

  39. You may be prone to times of frustration where you can really get yourself into a funk.  correct

  40. People who are all about being politically correct drive you crazy. correct

  41. Patience is not one of your strong suits.  correct

  42. Tenacity is... absolutely correct!

Overall Response:  This was a lot of fun. You pretty much summed me up! I think all was very true with the exception of #'s 27 and 31. Unfortunately I often go out of my way to please others, although it is usually restricted to those close to me (family and friends). I try my best to make people happy and often this will take precedence over my own happiness. I also find it hard to initiate conversations with strangers, though for some reason strangers often come up to me and initiate conversation. I always engage in the conversation to be polite, even if my time is constricted. I hate to be rude to anyone because I know how I would feel if someone were rude to me. I think the most accurate statement that caught my attention would have to be #38. This is so true. I have just recently learned to share some of my insecurities and doubts with my husband. Before that, I never shared them with anyone. I am amazed at how accurate this review was! Awesome experience! Thanks!