What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question: 2.5

Questions Incorrect: 1

Total Points Incorrect:  2.5

Total Score Accurate: 97.50



My Statements, and the responses from Subject #20.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman:

1.   …has a rambunctious side to her as well as a woman who can also be reserved and quiet.

2.     When you feel safe, you are very expressive and talkative.  When you don't
feel safe, you can be quite reserved.

3.    You have strong opinions about things.

4.    You know what you like and what you dislike…

5.     ...and when you feel safe, you aren't shy about voicing your opinions.

6.    You are an independent thinker.

7.    You may tend to break rules now and then if it suits you.

8.    You can be a firecracker at times. You like to stir up the monotony of life, when the mood strikes you.

9.    You enjoy jokes and playing them on friends and family.
correct,  (they may not go according to plan)

10.  Life can be too serious for you at times.
correct (more often than not)

11.  You portray confidence… but underneath it all, you tightly guard your doubts and insecurities.
correct (on the dot...)

12.  If you had to choose between two words to describe yourself, "confident" or "self-conscious", you would choose self-conscious.

13.  You love to explore.
correct (the whole globe if I had the money)

14.   You do not take life at face value.  You believe things run deeper than what is visually apparent to us.
correct (if it were only easy to convey to the whole world.)

15.  You don't trust people blindly.  You keep a watchful eye on them for a while before trusting them completely.

16.  You may be prone to times of frustration and doubt where you can really get yourself into a funk and get down.  This may cause people to retreat from you, if you are vocal about what is bothering you (which I suspect you can be).

17.  You tend to be honest rather than politically correct.

18.  People who are all about being politically correct drive you crazy.

19.  You are a realist.  You want people to acknowledge the obvious.
correct (it gets annoying to people sometimes.)

20.  You can be a procrastinator when you don't like things.
correct (My English Prof. taught me a thing or two about procrastination)

21.  You are a people watcher.  You like to observe others.
correct (especially older adults in relationships)

22.  With that, you can be judgmental of others.
correct ( a little too judgmental sometimes.)

23.  You are willing to take risks in life.

24.  You can be impulsive at times.

25.  You consider yourself analytical.

26.  When you were young and your parents told you not to do something, you wanted to do it all the more.
correct (I know now that my parents are so smart)

27.  You enjoy spending time alone. You don't need to be around people all the time.

28.  When confronted by someone who is angry, you will stand your ground.

29.  Being on time for things isn't a big priority for you. If you are late, you don't sweat it.  Life gets in the way.
incorrect (I hate being late, and it starts the emotional roller coaster when I am.)

30.  You don't have a lot of patience.  It's something you need to work on.
correct (no patience at all for teenage girls a few years younger than me)

31.  You can be quite sensitive, and that can cause you to get defensive at times.
correct (I have a tendency to clam up, although I am getting better about talking to people I have issues with, and when I do, I tend to not be very nice.

32.  Jobs that you would enjoy most allow you freedom and flexibility.

33.  You hate restriction and limitations in general.

34.  You experience a board scope of emotions in life.  You don't repress your emotions.
correct (sometimes it is like a roller coaster, super happy one minute then one thing goes wrong and go into loop-t-loops, then be happy after about an hour)

35.  You may fight periods of sadness or depression.
correct ( I am finding it hard to deal with sometimes)

36.  When someone apologizes to you from hurting you, it may take you some time to warm up to the apology and accept it. You may become quiet and withdrawn until you come around.

37.  You like nature, travel and are open to foreign and exotic adventure.
correct (Nature makes me very happy, Animals and trees)

38.  You can be stubborn and obstinate.
correct (I get it from my mother)

39.  If someone asked you to go skydiving, you would consider it.
correct ( I would be scared but do it anyway)

40.  You do like to get your way now and then.  It's important to you.
correct (and it frustrates me when I am questioned why I like it done a certain way or why it is done.)

Okay, how did I do? 

Overall Response: "I thought you did an amazing job, I was very skeptical on how it would turn out, but now that it is back I understand where I need to improve and have recognized things that have not been out in the open before...Thank You ... for helping me understand."