Total Questions: 36
Points per Question: 2.78
Total Points Incorrect: 2
Total Score: 94.44 |
The responses are the
feedback from Subject #2.
When I look at your
photo, I see a woman who:
- Is full of life!
Your eyes sparkle with excitement!
Response: Definitely :)
- You are open to new
experiences, and eager to experience the world.
Response: Right on.
- You are trusting of
others, perhaps at times, to your detriment. But you wouldn't have it
any other way. You want to give everyone a chance.
Response: 100% true... that it
can be to my detriment, but I don't regret it.
- You are not
judgmental. People who are annoy you.
Response: True. I am not
judgmental until someone does something I think is unforgivable and then
there is no coming back.
- You are warm-hearted
and compassionate. You would help a homeless man, or a stranger in
need, however you can.
Response: Yes
- You like the
outdoors and nature.
Response: Definitely Yes
- Camping with friends
for a weekend would be right up your alley.
Response: One of my favorite things to do.
- So would traveling
and foreign adventure.
Response: I LOVE to travel.
With a passion.
- You don't mind
roughing it for a deeper experience.
Response: How did you know that?
- Material things
don't rank high in your world.
Response: Again, dead on. I
enjoy nice things, but I don't need them.
- Your dreams never
included having a big fancy house, a sports car and a big fancy
wedding. You likely see that as empty and shallow.
Response: Absolutely. I value
people not things.
- You prefer human
connections, a spiritual existence, and getting in touch with yourself
and others over materialism.
Response: Exactly.
- Your idea of a good
date would be homemade picnic in the park with your dog. You'd much
prefer that then a fancy dinner out on the town, and seeing a movie.
Response: Yes
- You're open-minded
and willing to give new things a chance, at least once.
Response: Absolutely
true. We're more likely to regret the things we didn't do than the
things we did.
- Even if something
new scares you, you will work hard to overcome your fears. It may take a
little effort, but you'll try hard before saying no.
Response: This is getting a
little eerie. I do always try really hard to overcome fears. I don't
like feeling limited because I'm afraid of something.
- You can be shy and
reserved, though.
Response: At times. Correct, based on #18?
- Sometimes it takes
you a little while to speak up and say what you are thinking.
Response: I'd say this is half
right. Half INCORRECT.
- You are not one just
to spout your thoughts off the top of your head. You prefer to think,
sometimes a lot, before you speak in public.
Response: I think this one
depends on the setting. In a brainstorming situation, I'm full of ideas
and thoughts that come off the top of my head, but when it comes to
emotions I take a lot of time and thought before I say anything.
- You are likely to
have a couple of close best friends rather than a bunch of
acquaintances. But I suspect you have a big circle of friends wherever
you go because you are so generous people gravitate to you.
Response: This is definitely
true. I have a handful of very good close friends and tons of
acquaintances. It isn't hard to make friends, I just don't tend to keep
many close.
- I suspect you like
art, and are creative.
Response: Yes.
- You have a giving
spirit and a generous heart.
Response: Yes.
- You are the type of
person who believes in helping others however you can.
Response: Absolutely. I do for
others what I hope they would do for me.
- Once you know people
and feel comfortable, you can be lots of fun, gregarious and outgoing.
Response: Definitely.
- You smile A LOT and
enjoy making other people happy.
Response: Yes!
- You can be
selfless. You are not selfish in anyway.
Response: I try.
- Sometimes you put
yourself too far down on your list.
Response: This can be a
problem for me. I'm working on being better at saying 'no'.
- You enjoy solitary
time. You have no problem being alone for hours at a time.
Response: I like time
alone to recharge and re balance.
- Big social events,
galas and fund raising events are not your thing.
Response: I actually enjoy
them occasionally, but mostly for the people watching.
- You think rules
should sometimes be broken.
Response: Yes!
- Structure is not
really your style. You like to ebb and flow.
Response: I hate structure for
the sake of structure.
- Overall, you are a
happy person on the exterior.
Response: Yes.
- You likely hide your
pain from others, and don't find it easy to talk about.
Response: Yes, yes and yes.
- If you don't take
hold of what troubles you, you can get rather depressed. At these
times, you can isolate yourself which is the worst thing for you.
Response: It is really amazing
that you can tell that by looking at my picture. I have been depressed
before and do isolate myself from the people that care about me. Not a
good situation to put myself in.
- You are not the
jealous type.
Response: I can get jealous,
but I'm definitely not the jealous type.
- You likely have a
warm spot in your heart for animals, too.
Response: Yes.
- I suspect you value
spirituality over any religion.
Response: Absolutely. I
don't think organized religion is the only way to have a relationship
with God.
Response: It's really amazing
to me that you can tell so many things about my personality just by
looking at my picture. Wow. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I
think it is so interesting how much you can learn from someone's face. |