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Score Total Questions: 41 Points per Question: 2.44 Questions Incorrect: 1.5 Total Points Incorrect: 3.66 Total Score Accurate: 96.34
SUBJECT #11 My Statements, and the responses from Subject #11.
…who is easy going and laid
2. Simple pleasures in life make you the
3. A good friend, a nice drink and good
conversation make you smile.
4. You like to please people. You say yes
too easily.
5. You don't put yourself first in your
life. You put other people before you.
6. You take life at face value much of the
7. You don't read too much into things.
You accept things as they are. It is what it is. 8. You aren't the type of person to forge a new path. You like to follow true and tried methods and approaches. Response: Correct 9. You are not easily excited unless something scares you. Response: Correct
10. When things make you uncomfortable, you
tend to get nervous, and you have to work at controlling your nerves.
They can really act up on you.
11. You don't like confrontation. Correct
You avoid it at all costs.
12. You don't like to be the center of
attention. Never have and never will.
13. You prefer jobs where there is
interaction, but you don't want people contact all day long nor do you
want to be isolated alone in an office. You need a balance. 14. You trust people easily. You want to believe all people are good and usually give them the benefit of the doubt. Response: Correct
15. You tend to trust reasoning over your
emotions, but you do let your emotions affect your reasoning at times.
This has had negative consequences for you.
16. Sometimes you let fear stop you from
doing things. You are not fearless. You have limitations and you know
them well.
17. You only like calculated risks.
18. You would never consider jumping out of
a perfectly good airplane. Thanks, but no thanks!
19. You prefer order over randomness, but
you are not anally retentive. You are middle of the road with a very
slight tendency towards order.
20. When people are vague in what they
expect of you, you don't enjoy the freedom. You get frustrated at the
lack of communication or understanding. 21. You tend to favor being politically correct instead of telling the dead honest truth when people's feelings might get hurt. Honesty in that respect can be overrated. Response: Correct
22. You are a big picture person—the small
details will fall into place.
23. You are likely affiliated with different
organizations. You like to be involved in group activities outside of
your work whether it is church or another organization.
24. You like to contribute to a cause with
either the donation of time or money. It makes you feel like you are
helping people.
25. You prefer one or two close friends.
You are not one to like a bunch of acquaintances.
26. Socially you are middle of the road.
You aren't an introvert and you aren't an extrovert. You can be both and
tend toward the middle depending on the circumstances.
27. When it comes to making decisions, you
give them consideration, choose an option, and then don't look back.
Things are what they are.
28. You hate to work under pressure! You
aren't the type of person to gain momentum under a tight deadline. It
does the opposite to you. It drains you.
29. You are adaptable to your environment.
30. You don't have to have things your way
though you may have a few pet peeves that have to be done a certain way.
Those are the only exceptions, and those closest to you know to respect
those requests.
31. You are happy working in a group or
alone. You can go either way. Both have their pros and cons for you – so
it's a toss up.
32. Emotionally you are quite even keeled.
33. You want stability in your life.
34. You couldn't be married to a stunt man,
or a traveling artist.
35. You think material goods are overrated.
Happiness doesn't require much!
36. Given the opportunity to choose a
spiritually fulfilled life or to live a life of a wealthy person, you
would choose spiritual fulfillment.
37. You tend to procrastinate when you don't
like something. Those who know you would say this is a trait of yours.
38. You believe we have rules for a reason
and they should not be broken.
39. You adhere to rules for the most part
unless it is something really insignificant. Then you might let something
slip up and turn your head.
40. You are likely patriotic for your
41. If given a choice of where to live, the
big city, the country or the suburbs, you would probably chose the suburbs
because it is the best blend of everything.
Okay, how did I do?
Overall Response: "Reading over this I would say you NAILED IT! Had the rest of the family read it and they all agreed." |