What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  29

Points per Question: 3.45

Questions Incorrect: 5

Total Points Incorrect: 

Total Score: 82.75%



This was my first subject.  I am learning as I go, and I saw from this experience that I need to work at being more precise.  Bear with me!

I wrote each of the statements, and ask the subject to review them afterwards and comment.  Her comments are the responses.

When I look at you, I see a woman who:

  1. Likes to have several friends.  You likely have an inner circle of friends, and then an extended network.  You are not a "one person friend" kind-of-woman. You are likely to have two, three, or more best friends. 
    Response:  Half correct.  I do have very few friends...I don't have a lot of friends...my husband thinks that is very weird b/c I am not a typical girl in that regard.  I consider myself more of a loner...b/c I have never really needed/wanted a lot of girlfriends. I have two best friends).
  2. Is a loyal friend.  If someone talks bad about your best friend(s), you will speak up and defend her. 
    Response:  Yes
  3. Is an extrovert preferring the company of others over solitary time alone.  Given a weekend without your family, you would choose to share lunch with friends over staying home alone.
    Response: Incorrect I can be an extrovert but if I had a weekend alone...I'd probably stay home and clean, watch t.v. and read.  I hate to say this but I always feel like meeting friends for lunch or other functions is a chore.
  4. Takes pride in herself, who like to look good.
    Response:  Yes
  5. Cares about how other perceive her.
    Response:  Yes
  6. Pays attention to style and fashion.
    Response:  Yes
  7. Is detail oriented. Details matter to you! (Yes)
    Response:  Yes
  8. Prefers jobs where there is contact with others.  You are a people person. You would die closed into a cubicle with no other contact with another person for the day/week/career. You love jobs where you interact with people throughout the day.
    Response: I do enjoy interacting with other people
  9. Is punctual for appointments for the most part occasionally being late.  You are likely to call if you are going to be late unless it is inconvenient for you to do so.
    Response:  Yes
  10. Is courteous to others for the most part.  If someone annoys you, you may act like you don't see them.
    Response:  Yes...I did this recently too.  This man made some comment to me at the Home Depot and I pretended not to hear or see him...but he repeated himself so I responded.
  11. Can be sassy if the mood strikes you.  You don't hesitate to say what is on your mind at these times.
    Response:  Yes...sassy is a good choice of words...I usually tell my bosses to ignore me if I am PMSing.
  12. Enjoys structure, but you are NOT anal about things. You can flow with the wind, if required. 
    Response:  I do enjoy structure and I think I can be anal, in my home everything has it's place and it's organized but I think I am a laid back person too.
  13. Enjoys going out to events and parties. You like activity. 
    Response:  Incorrect. I used to more so in my younger years but now I view them more as a chore...I've turned into such a homebody) INCORRECT.
  14. Would enjoy a date out to a nice restaurant and a movie afterwards. Perhaps you would enjoy a theatrical production more, if money isn't an issue.  (Yes)
    Response:  Yes
  15. Wouldn't dig a homemade picnic in the park, over dinner and movie for a date.
    Response:  Yes...I don't like the feel of grass or having to fight with bugs.
  16. You like the excitement of the city.
    Response:  Yes but I hate the inconvenience of the traffic.
  17. The country and rural areas bore you. You likely live in suburbia.  You might have lived in a city, but you wouldn't choose to live in a rural area, if you have a choice in the matter. 
    Response:  The country is a minus b/c you have to drive far to shop...but it can be really beautiful and peaceful.  I do live in the suburbs.  I did live in the city once when my daughter was little and I hated it.
  18. You likely attend church, but you are not a fanatical believer. You enjoy the sense of community. 
    Response:  Incorrect. I haven't been to church in years b/c I think religion is very personal and I think I am a spiritual person without having to go to church every Sunday but lately, I have been thinking about going b/c my son has asked me a lot of questions and I think he should have the basics of religion.
  19. You are not shy.  You can strike up a conversation with almost anyone though sometimes you prefer to feel out a situation before speaking up. You want to access those around you first. 
    Response:  Yes...I do this all the time.
  20. People perceive you as confident overall, maybe even sometimes snobby, but deep down inside, you sometimes have doubts, but you don't want others to know about it. 
    Response:  Very true.
  21. You will give anything a try at least once before ruling it out.
    Response:  That used to be my motto...I'll try anything once.
  22. You are open-minded and willing to learn about new things.
    Response:  Yes
  23. Sometimes jealousy overcomes you, and you have to work to maintain your composure.
    Response:  Yes; I think I am a very secure person but sometimes jealousy does rear it's ugly head and can get the better of me.
  24. You were slightly above average when it comes to sports and athletics.  You weren't a super-star, but you tried hard and your efforts were appreciated when you were on a team. 
    Response:  Incorrect. I think I was horrible at sports (my sisters would probably back this up too) but did better at singing, dance, acting.)
  25. I suspect there were times in grade school when you were outcast and awkward, but by high school you started to find yourself.  From high school onward, you started to shine! 
    Response:  Yes, I was a total nerd and was picked on in middle school...but by high school things started to change and the attention was a little overwhelming for me...so much so, I played down my intelligence.
  26. You love being a mom.  You take great pride in it. 
    Response:  Yes; I've been a mom since I was 19 and love it. I used to tell people that I didn't really know true love until the day my daughter was born.
  27. You really enjoy children.
    Response:  It's funny b/c as a teenager I was so self-absorbed I didn't enjoy children and never pictured myself as having kids...but I love kids...especially mine.
  28. You have amazingly patient with children, more so then most other things. 
    :  Yes; I am not a patient person but with my kids I am.
  29. You can be a child at heart and don't mind getting down and dirty with them when they play!
    Response:  Yes; I didn't watch cartoons and play video-games as much as most kids...I felt like I grew up too fast and was very adult in elementary school...but with my kids I play video games, watch cartoons and Disney channel shows. I want them to have a happy childhood.

Okay, I'll stop here.  What do you think? 
  That was pretty amazing!  ...Wow...I actually started tearing up reading it; 26-29 were dead on.